working in service

I have been a maintenance worker for about 5 years now and it’s a pretty self-explanatory job.

I work at a hotel and most of the maintenance has to do with the A/C systems.

I constantly get guests that claim their A/C unit is working well so I have to go investigate. The hotel I currently work for has one of the nicest Heating & Air Conditioning systems I have ever seen and it’s truly rare that there is entirely a concern with one of the A/C units; Usually what I have seen is that people don’t recognize how to work the air conditioner in the room so they just call maintenance, however each room has a smart temperature control and I figure that maybe some people have never seen a smart temperature control and they don’t recognize how to work it. When I first saw a smart temperature control I was a little confused, so I understand. It does get a little discouraging though that so many people can’t figure out how to work the Heating & Air Conditioning system. I am thinking about putting up instruction for how to use the A/C unit just so that people stop calling me! I spend most of our time just turning on an A/C unit, but I think in reality that means I have a pretty self-explanatory job. I thought about being an Heating & Air Conditioning worker at one point but I have realized that would entirely be a lot more work. I don’t suppose that many people who own homes call their Heating & Air Conditioning worker over self-explanatory matters like not being able to work the smart temperature control. I am constantly amazed at how many people have trouble with the smart temperature control, I think you have to be smart these afternoons to prefer the benefits of Heating & Air Conditioning!


Space heater for sale