Air filter change is essential

It’s so easy to not pay much attention at all to the HVAC equipment.

At least, that’s the case for me. We are fortunate to have a central a/c in our home. And it’s getting that time of year again where I’m going to have to be better at paying attention to the HVAC unit. Well, I genuinely don’t have to do all that much when it comes to the heating and cooling equipment. We belong to an HVAC service plan so the heating and cooling components are in great hands. They HVAC specialist comes out twice a year to do seasonal HVAC repair. This keeps the heat pump in great shape and maximizes efficiency. We for sure need the best efficiency that we can get when it comes to how much the heat pump runs during the Summer. From August through September, the a/c is on just about all the time, however of course, I program the digital control device in order not to be over cooling the home while we’re away during the peak heating hours. But as the heat pump is coming back to life now that the hot and cold temperatures continue to climb, I have to refocus on the air filter. Making sure that I’m changing the air filter for the HVAC component is pressing stuff. Any heat pump has to have continuous and unjammed airflow in order to work officially. A dirty or clogged air filter is something that can genuinely put an undue strain on the heating and cooling equipment. Since the heat pump stays quiet all Winter, I’ve got to get myself back in the habit of changing the air filter once per month.
hvac technician