Ductwork cleaning and Spring fit hand in hand

I do believe that I’ve hit upon something that really does help make things better inside the central air conditioning of my home.

Like most families, we are super busy and are on the run quite often.

However, I also know that while we’d love to kick back inside the air conditioning whenever we can, we still have a house to take care of. For me, having a clean and well organized home is essential to my happiness. When things are chaotic or the house is a mess, I’m a mess. And nobody needs to deal with me when I’m a mess. So as much as it pains all of us, we keep up with our cleaning chores. Still, with as busy as we are, I have found that a Spring cleaning makes a huge difference each year. I started doing this once we were all cooped up inside the central air conditioning when the pandemic started. I wanted to really deep clean the house since we’d all been living in it nearly non-stop for a year. This was also just about the same time that I happened to pay attention to the coupons in the mail. I found a deep discount for ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing from the HVAC company we used. So naturally, I thought that having the ductwork cleaning done would be work perfectly with the deep Spring cleaning that was also happening. Turns out, I was right about the ductwork cleaning fitting perfectly with the Spring cleaning that we did. And since then, we have included ductwork cleaning in our annual deep cleaning project.


Electric heat pump