Listening saved the heat pump

Normally, before I even turn the air conditioning on for the first time, I call the HVAC company.

  • I like to get the air conditioning tune up done prior to even turning on the air conditioning.

But a few weeks ago, things conspired against me when it came to my Spring ritual. My mom was down here visiting us and that coincided with a week where the temperatures got to the mid 80’s. Both of these things happening at once triggered me reaching for the thermostat and some cooling. My mom is notoriously needy when it comes to heating and cooling. If it’s below the mid 60’s, she’s looking for some heating. And if it’s above the mid 70’s, she’s ready for some air conditioning. Mom had complained a couple of time about the fact that it was hot in the house so I turned on the air conditioning. Normally, that doesn’t happen even if I’d gotten the air conditioning tune up completed. We have lived here long enough to know that you acclimate to the heat in the Spring. Doing so allows for less air conditioning demand on the heat pump in the Summer. And man, does it ever get hot down here in the Summer. When the air conditioning was running, it sort of sounded weird. There was a noise that didn’t sound familiar. It told myself it’s just because I hadn’t heard the heat pump in a while. But the next day, I called the HVAC professionals. I’m glad I did because there was indeed some bad stuff brewing. Fortunately, what I was hearing was real and the HVAC company was able to save the day before our air conditioning conked out.


Commercial air conditioning