Fate, HVAC tech needed laptop repair

Occasionally I suppose that there really is a major force in the universe, orchestrating every event that takes site in our lives.

  • I know that it is a challenging perspective to haveā€¦ Lots of people love to believe that my friend and I are completely autonomous beings and everything is a coincidence.

However, I just don’t feel that way. Honestly, I find proof of my beliefs all the time. Even yesterday I acquired the justification that the Universe was coordinating events for me when my heating, cooling, and air quality control system broke down. If that makes no sense, let me tell you about my indoor air handling devices. For the past several years I have been using an old forced air heating system and cooling system component that are too small for my house. I’ve known that the temperature control devices needed to be replaced as soon as possible, despite the fact that I also have not had the spare money for a major heating, cooling, and ventilation control renovation. As such, I really should not have been surprised when my indoor air temperature started to fluctuate. The heating and cooling system broke down one morning and I found myself in a major financial pickle. Luckily, just then my friend and I acquired a new client request from somebody who needed an immediate laptop repair. I rushed off to the laptop repair appointment and forgot about my HVAC system. That is… Until I arrived at the client’s house, and realized that he was an HVAC Tech. My buddy and I swapped professional services instantly; I fixed his laptop and he fixed my HVAC system. Thanks, Universe.


Electric heating system