Need advanced air filtration for medical license

You would not believe how tough it is to open a new salon. I never thought that splitting hair would be such a complicated situation. I assume when you are the owner of a company building, you get a lot of extra insight into the industry. For instance, I never would have thought that performing microblading services on our shoppers would count as a medical procedure. If you are anything like me, you suppose that temporary facial tattoos are more of a cosmetic service than a medical one. However, obviously in order to legally offer microblading services my friend and I needed to have advanced indoor air temperature control on par with a state-of-the-art hospital installed in the building. Personally, I have never thought about indoor air quality before in my life. If I adjust my temperature control and the indoor air temperature variations appropriately, I am a glad camper. I’ve never had any concerns with flu symptoms, respiratory illnesses, or skin concerns that could be traced back to a low indoor air quality. Therefore, I have absolutely never considered the existence of air purification devices, HEPA air filters, or UV light disinfection. Now, I am abruptly having to learn about all of these Advanced air quality control measures for myself. If I want to offer microblading or injectable Services, I need to have established the air quality standards that can only be achieved with high-quality air purification systems and HEPA filtration devices. On top of all of my other salon costs, calling out the heating, cooling, and air quality control repair serviceman was one of the most giant investments I made in my new business.

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