Fitting a mini split air conditioner into a bedroom space neatly

The apartment I moved into already had a mini split air conditioner, but I hated how it looked on my wall. It’s a quality air conditioner and enough for my space, but it was an eye sore. I asked the cooling tech if anything could be done about it when he came for air conditioning maintenance, but he said that was the best place to have it unless I wanted to deal with constant air conditioning repair. I gave up trying to change it for a while, but I couldn’t shake off the need to have it blend over with the rest of the house. I shared a picture of it online, and most replies were from HVAC equipment experts who thought I shouldn’t do anything about it, but I got one from an interior décor person who offered to guide me through hiding it. She took me through the basics of camouflaging the cooling equipment without affecting its capacity to help with indoor comfort. I learned more about air conditioning from someone I assumed knew nothing about the cooling industry. Her motto was that anything’s possible, so I couldn’t let any cooling representative scare me from chasing aesthetics because they were more concerned about saving me from damaging it if anything went wrong with my decorating. Thankfully, she knew what she was doing, so I didn’t have to worry about damaging my air conditioner. We sketched what to do, and I took it to the cooling specialist at the cooling corporation for approval before I called in someone to install the shelves we’d designed. I love the outcome and am glad I leaped even after getting discouraged at the beginning. Your ductless HVAC doesn’t have to be an eyesore.

cooling representative