flipping this classic car with cooling

I like to buy vintage cars & touch them up to modern standards for everyone’s enjoyment.

This is quite a fancy interest of mine and has been for many years, however it is something I entirely enjoy trying to do.

I have saved up enough money over time to be able to entirely dive deeply into this interest. The latest thing I personally did was buy a vintage car from the 1940’s & revamp it for myself totally! It still had that vintage look on the outside when I purchased it. But on the inside it has multiple important things that modern cars have. There was one particularly big challenge for this, however and that was having a central heating & A/C idea properly installed into this vintage car. Back in the 1940’s there obviously was no central heating or cooling. The only source of heating you had back in the day was the old boiling water boilers in people’s houses. But as for modern cars there was no heating & A/C available. With the help of both a friend & hiring a mechanic at a local garage from town, I was able to get the central heating & A/C properly hooked up in my own garage & fully now working into this old vintage 1940’s car! I thought it entirely was amazing how it all worked out! I have already shown multiple of my greatest friends & family how I made a modern car heating & A/C idea go properly into the vintage car. They were entirely blown away!



multi split air conditioning