Heat pump Springtimes to life

It’s a great thing that I choose to get the a/c tune up done first thing at the end of Winter, however well, I know using the term winter season may be misstating it a bit, and as far as heating and cold weather go, it’s difficult to term what we have as a Winter.

I have had the unfortunate experience of living through what is a real winter.

And I’m not looking to do that again. I don’t know if I ever want to be stuck inside a home with a gas furnace roaring for months at a time. I’ll stick to having the sort of winter season that allows the heat pump to sleep for a few months; But dang, the heat pump sort of deserves the opportunity to sleep a bit, but that piece of heating and cooling component is pumping out a/c for about 8 months out of the year. And for four of those months, that’s a/c pretty much evening and afternoon. We don’t live in a region where I can simply open up my windows in the evening for a cool breeze, but nope, there are plenty of times where the hot and cold temperatures don’t come out of the 80’s in the evening. And I make sure the heat pump gets the HVAC repair it needs in order to be able to pump out all that cooling! So that’s a big reason why I like to get the a/c tune up done early. Springtime goes from getting warmer to a bit hot within afternoons. And turning on the a/c should be something we don’t have to worry about, then HVAC repair ensures that I don’t have to worry that first time I decided to reach for the control device and some cooling comfort.

a/c service