Heating and icing my back

As I am currently recovering from a back injury that I got when lifting an oversized window AC unit, I am craving an ice bath. Living in the south, I can usually just take a dip in the ocean as an alternative to an ice bath. However, it is the hottest week of the summer, so even the ocean is too warm for me. When I am dealing with an injury, I try to cycle between applying a cold compress and a heating pad. I will have to settle for some frozen peas in plastic as my ice pack since I don’t have one, followed by a towel run under hot water on my back to provide warmth. In an effort to get my towel as hot as possible, I turned up the thermostat on my water heater. To avoid burning myself, I make sure to wrap the hot towel in a few bags and keep it over top of my shirt. A friend of mine works as a physical therapist, so she is going to come by the house later in the week with her cold laser. This will help speed up the process. Whenever I have an injury, I call up this friend and ask for tips and pointers. I am honestly really interested in physical therapy. If I were to go back to school, I think I would like to train to enter this line of work. I instead became an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation owner because my Mom was in the field. Growing up, she taught me all kinds of HVAC repairs, and I really looked up to her. While I wait for my friend to come over and assist me, I am relying on anti-inflammatories to help with the pain.


air purifier