I didn’t want an up-to-date a/c unit.

After installing the air conditioning component in our home office, my partner told me my friend and I had to go buy an up-to-date one.

The air conditioning component was running quietly and there was air coming from the air vents.

I thought my friend and I just needed to clean it and not waste money on an up-to-date AC unit. He definitely insisted my friend and I needed to go to town and find an up-to-date air conditioning component for our home office. I had no idea why he was so persistent. I finally grabbed my warm jacket and told him to lead the way. If he wanted to go shopping so badly, I would go with him. When my friend and I got to the house center, he started looking at the biggest air conditioning units he could find. I asked him why my friend and I would almost double the amount of BTUs my friend and I already had. He told me our air conditioning was fine. He was looking for one he could put in the garage. He wanted to work on the car, however it was too warm to work outside. If he had air conditioning, he could pull the door down, turn on the air conditioning, and turn up the music so loud he wouldn’t hear me. I could not understand what he said. It was all a ruse to get me to let him buy an air conditioning component for his garage. The only thing I took offense to was him saying he was going to drown me out with his music.
