I only eat healthy foods while in dinner after that episode

I was out of toil for a week before I found a current job.

I used all of the money I had in our savings account to make sure that the bills were paid while I looked for a current job.

When I found a current job, I did not have a lot of money. I had to make some sacrifices when it came to dinner. After I finished with the cooling system repairs in the afternoon, I would go to a taco place to grab a couple of chicken burritos. The burritos did not bother our stomach at first, but it did not take long for myself and others to beginning getting sick after dinner. The first time I got sick after eating the tacos, I thought it was due to the Heat and humidity. I thought I had a little bit of heat stroke or heat exhaustion. The third time I got sick after dinner, I had to go to a gas station. My stomach and our rear were both on fire. I did not believe if I had diarrhea or if I was going to throw up. I barely finished the cooling system repair I had busy for the day. After that, I stopped eating tacos at dinner time and started bringing healthy popcorn to work. Now I eat carrots, celery, and peanut butter for dinner. I have a ham and cheese sandwich that I pack from our house. As long as I’m not putting fast food into our stomach while in the day, I do not have any problems completing a full day of heating and cooling system repairs.

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