I was looking for a month-to-month lease.

I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be in the city.

I didn’t like the idea of needing to travel one hundred plus miles one way to and from work.

It was a horrible commute that took me almost 4 hours to make. I talked to my spouse Ed, and he advised I get an apartment in the city, and came home on weekends. Ed and I went to the town and scoped out some of the month-to-month lease apartments, so if I found another task, we wouldn’t be tied to the apartment. Ed and I found several apartments that would suit my needs. When Ed had a couple of afternoons off, or wanted to stay in the town for the weekend, Ed and I had some venue to stay. The month-to-month apartment Ed liked most had a charming view of the town lights and a large patio where Ed and I could eat lunch. I knew he was hooked on the apartment, but I didn’t feel Ed and I could afford it. The month-to-month cost was almost as much as our mortgage. Ed assured us that with my task and hers, my pal and I could entirely afford the month-to-month lease. It was just temporary until I got the new task. A part of me wanted to say no and go back and forth, but the larger part of me knew the month-to-month apartment lease was a brilliant idea. Although it wasn’t the apartment he wanted me to rent, it was still a very pleasant apartment. The view wasn’t as nice, and there wasn’t a big patio, but it was furnished, and the month-to-month lease was half the cost as the apartment with a view.

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