Learning real estate law

My sister and her husband, Bob got married when they were young. My sister was a senior in high school, when they met. They got married right graduation, and she got pregnant about six months later. My sister and Bob already had three kids in the first five years of their marriage. It did not take long for things to become a struggle. Bob has some mental difficulties, and they were starting to impact the kids. My sister did not know how to proceed, so I recommended  that she speak with a family law attorney. I suggested my sister consult with the attorney about custody and divorce. I accompanied with my sister, so she had some moral support. We met with the family law attorney on Friday after work. My sister explained the situation at length. By the conclusion of our consultation, the family law attorney agreed to work with my sister. My sister has a great deal of decisions to make, before she proceeds forward. I doubt that she is ready to give up on the marriage. Being a single mom will be rough, and I do not think my sister is prepared to make all of these big decisions. It’s going to be a hard progression, although she has a numerous friends and family to help out. My parents have offered to allow my sister and the kids to come back home. My parents would be able to  help with child care, so my sister could avoid putting the kids into daycare. It’s an important decision, but my sister needs to make it on her own.