My pal stole the cooling system right out of my window

I don’t have a upscale central cooling system like a lot of people, although I do like the window cooling system that I have in my window.

I bought this window cooling system a few years ago, & when the cooling system first came out, it was one of the best window cooling systems that currency could buy, and even today, there aren’t a lot of cooling systems that are as enjoyable as the one I have. I remember when my neighbor tried to steal my cooling system. He took the cooling system right out of the residing room window while I was sleeping; One of the major troubles with owning a window cooling system is that you cannot lock the window that the cooling system is located in. My neighbor didn’t have an cooling system, & he opened my window & took mine. The next day when I went into the residing room to turn on the cooling system, I noticed that the window was closed & the cooling system was gone. Immediately, I called the police. However, as I glanced out the window to look for clues, I noticed that my neighbors had a new cooling system. It wasn’t just any cooling system. My neighbor got an identical cooling system like mine. I couldn’t think that he stole it. I knew that he didn’t have it the day before. I called the cops, & when I confronted him about it. He denied stealing my cooling system until I pointed out that my initials were written on the side of the cooling system. I even had a receipt for it!

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