Neighbor Always Received HVAC Service Faster

My neighbor and I use the same HVAC company to schedule our biannual tune ups that typically occur during the spring and fall.

I know that we use the same HVAC company because I see the HVAC utility van in their driveway around the same time that they come to examine our HVAC system.

The only difference about the two of us is that the HVAC company always visits their house first. In the past, I assumed that my neighbor was calling the HVAC company to schedule their appointments before I was, but that seemed unlikely because I always called before the height of the season. Whenever I called the HVAC company, they would tell me about a wait list. No matter how early I contacted them, there was always a wait time to be seen. I thought I was calling them fairly early in the season, so I couldn’t imagine how my neighbor was calling them even earlier. When I saw the HVAC van in their driveway last time, I made a joke to my neighbor about how early he must have called to schedule his appointment. He didn’t understand the joke though because he had just called the HVAC company the morning before and he was able to get an appointment right away! When I asked him how this was possible, he told me that it was one of the perks of the annual comfort plan! According to him, if you were a member, you received a lot of benefits but the biggest was the priority scheduling. After hearing this, I signed up for the comfort plan right away.
heating service