She’s got a secret

My cousin is one wild woman let me tell you! She always is keeping secrets about her personal life from the family no matter what she does.

  • It’s kind of annoying, but at the same time, I totally understand that her life is no one’s business but her own! However recently I found out a secret she has been hiding from everyone.

My cousin is in love with her personal trainer and is in fact dating him! How did I find this out you may ask? Well, her personal trainer is also my personal trainer. Not to mention, a good friend of mine too! So when he told me he was dating my cousin, I was almost laughing cause I thought it was funny how she did not let on to it in any way. It’s cool though, the secret is safe with me because I would never air my cousin’s personal stuff. Also, I wouldn’t want to air my friend, the personal trainer’s stuff either. I just think it’s kinda cute and cool all at the same time. My cousin has not had a man in her life in a long time. She really isn’t the type with as busy as she is. But I guess there was just something about her personal trainer that made her fall for him. Maybe I could see it…the personal trainer is a really great person, he’s nice and he’s fun to hang out with. I usually go to football games with him a few times a year when he’s not being my own personal trainer.
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