Simple HVAC service ends cold symptoms

I really was getting to the point that my head felt like it was just going to pop, I was so congested.

And it had been this way for the longest time.

I actually was pretty sick with a cold for the better part of a week. I even stayed home from work for a couple of days. It takes a lot for me to not go to work inside the zone controlled HVAC of my office. But I also didn’t want to be spreading it around via the commercial HVAC of the office either. So I waited a few days until I wasn’t as symptomatic before going to work. Still, I just couldn’t shed the congestion, the sinus issues and the cough with a scratchy throat. Finally, my wife had enough of me dragging myself around and wasn’t taking no for an answer when it came to the doctor’s appointment she’d made. I hate going to the doctor and it doesn’t help that the air conditioning is always blasting so I’m just freezing all the time. This trip, I was really quite surprised by the results of my visit. I figured I’d get some sort of meds and be sent on my way. But I got a prescription to call the HVAC professionals instead. That’s not at all what I had been expecting. The doctor thought that my problem was lingering like it had more to do with the indoor air quality of our home than anything else. He suggested that we get ductwork cleaning done and switch to a HEPA filter right away. I did both and was amazed with the results. The change in our indoor air quality was remarkable. And my symptoms were gone completely within 36 hours.

a/c rep