The most intense DIY service that I ever came across laboring as a heating company

After a thorough inspection, it was clear that they needed more than a gas furnace filter

Fall is my number one season but it is not so nice in terms of workflow. I work as an Heating as well as Air Conditioning company and during this time of the year, the number of calls the two of us get is far less compared to summer time and winter. The past week was a little eventful, I had a boiler to service and an oil gas furnace to service which are precious in this area. Many people use a central furnace with an electric gas furnace. Homeowners do not contact a heating and cooling provider unless they are ordering for new Heating as well as Air Conditioning component or want to install quality Heating as well as Air Conditioning. Some do not even see the need to have an annual gas furnace/heater tune-up which is easily important if one wants to ensure indoor comfort throughout the seasons. They will only call the Heating as well as Air Conditioning repairman if they need a boiler service or if the furnace is making bizarre noises. I remember there was a day I got a call to replace a gas furnace filter. When I got there, I was met by genuinely the most intense DIY fix. There was so much duct tape on the HVAC duct it was a miracle the plan still managed to work. After a thorough inspection, it was clear that they needed more than a gas furnace filter. When I gave them a rundown of everything that was needed, they were not at all surprised. The owner even admitted it was about time that he looked into what else heating technology had to offer and installed a new a/c system. Every one of us had a lengthy talk on the topic and discussed quoted prices of different installations and which one would work best for the condo but is still affordable.
