The only place I can control the thermostat and humidity is at home

I just can’t find anywhere in this town that gets the air conditioning use right, at least for me. Everywhere I go it seems that every business is using air conditioner either excessively or hardly at all. A lot of diners and restaurants that I go to have air conditioning blasting during the summer. I don’t want to go from being hot to cold! I hate getting seated directly below air vents that blast cold air. It’s like you have to play a game of chance as to whether or not you should bring a jacket or an extra layer depending on how cold the restaurant is. However, that doesn’t help the fact that your food will end up getting cold much faster under an air vent. Then I go to other establishments that don’t seem to believe in the air conditioner, or at least that’s the way it feels. The dining area will be hot and stuffy and you’ll keep ordering drinks just to stay cool, so maybe that’s what they’re trying to do! I go to restaurants to get away for a while and have a nice meal with family or friends. I fully expect to be comfortable in such a situation. The more businesses I go to, the more I realize that no one is ever going to set the thermostat or the humidity levels exactly the way I want them to be set. At the least, I have full control of the temperature and humidity in my own home. I pay a good deal to make sure my climate control systems allow me to create the perfect environment all year long.

Zone controlled HVAC