Understanding the HVAC warranty is crucial

Some people read and others don’t.

But it seems like a lot of us are reading much less closely if we are reading at all. I blame the internet. But then again, I blame the internet a lot. The fact is that we are all so conditioned to simply click accept when the legal disclaimers pop up. I get it. Some of those disclaimers are pages and pages long. And all we really want to do is sit inside the central air conditioning of our homes and watch those funny cat videos. So we click accept and move on. Well when it comes to the warranty on your HVAC equipment, I suggest you look a bit closer. I certainly did and I wouldn’t have had it not been for the HVAC contractor. Not only was this HVAC professional so on top of every single detail regarding our HVAC equipment replacement, he followed up. It wasn’t two days after we got the latest in residential HVAC and HVAC technology that the HVAC contractor called me. He wanted to check up to be sure that we were happy. But he also wanted to make sure that I had read the warranty and had it registered. This lit a fire under me and I first called to register the warranty with the HVAC factory. Then, I got to reading the warranty. And I was so glad I did because otherwise, I wouldn’t have known a vital piece of information. If I attempt to service or repair my own HVAC unit, this action automatically voids any warranty on the HVAC equipment. Too often, homeowners don’t know this before they decide to try their hand at some sort of HVAC repair. Yet another reason to only let HVAC professionals touch the heating and cooling equipment.


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