A new commercial air conditioning system for the radio station

Is the most popular radio station in this part of the country.

They were experiencing a sweaty summer since their unit was not working as efficiently.

We were commissioned to check the unit before the first show of the day which would be around 4 am. We planned with the rest of the air conditioning experts to start early as time was of the essence. We gathered our gear and headed to the station. It was literally empty apart from a few security personnel. The electric heat pump was old and in bad shape. We removed the old heating and cooling equipment, upgraded the regulator to a digital thermostat. The HVAC installation took a couple of hours and before we knew it, the commercial air conditioning system was already in. The quality heating and air conditioning unit had been purchased from the local business. The cooling and heating business I worked for, always had the best interest of the customer at heart. They offered tips on how to manage the air conditioning system and keep it running. By this time, some of the employees had started coming in and they were appreciative of the fact that they were cooled from the hot summer morning heat. The HVAC serviceman advised the operations staff to ensure they performed heating and cooling service on the unit so that it would offer help with indoor comfort. Even though the maintenance happens once a year, it would be important that the station considers carrying out air conditioning repair in between the maintenance sessions. By this time, the station was full and the station was cooler than outside. The management aimed to maintain and care for the system.

