An educational experience

Who would have ever thought that you would learn about something new that changes your life for the better by simply flipping on the TV dial? I sure didn’t know! Several months ago I was flipping on the TV dial and came across a show that was about home improvement and renovating homes.

They did a whole section on the heating and air conditioning method in the home they were improving on.

And this wasn’t a normal heating and cooling system. They got a ductless mini split air conditioning system for the living room, called a heating and cooling company and had this ductless mini split air conditioning system converted into a ductless mini split heating and air conditioning system! I could not believe it! You could actually take one of those ductless air conditioning systems and transform it into a fill blown heating and cooling unit of the same aspect! After seeing this, I called my local heat and a/c company to have them come out and convert my ductless mini split air conditioning system. And let me tell you this really changed my life for the better in terms of my monthly electric bills in the winter. I no longer had to use my central heating and could use the same ductless mini split that I did in the summer with the air conditioning. Except now it was a ductless mini split heater! This was truly awesome and I have this TV show to thank for making me aware that this was even technologically possible!

Central heating