I just wanted my wife to be more comfortable when she was cooking

My wife has always been one of the best cooks aside from my mother.

For a long time she would seem to slave away in the kitchen cooking some of the finest meals.

I felt bad when I saw her sweating and I would try to tell her that we could improve the kitchen environment for the sake of her comfort. She never wanted to listen to me though. I wanted to tell her that we could put a window A/C unit or some sort of cooling system into the kitchen. My mother always had a window A/C unit working when she was in the kitchen and she had no issues with feeling overheated because of it. I figured my wife could even use a ventilation system that would remove all the overheated air from the kitchen while she was cooking. She didn’t want to hear anything I had to say though, so I ended up taking action on my own. I called up the HVAC company and asked what could be done about the kitchen environment becoming overheated while my wife was cooking. They recommended getting HVAC zone control and installing a ventilation system. It was just as I thought except that I didn’t think about HVAC zone control. I arranged for the installation of these HVAC components when my wife was visiting her parents. When she came back, she was actually mad at first that I made these changes, but then she was happy when she was perfectly comfortable when cooking. She can be stubborn at times, but I love her no matter what and I’m glad she’s comfortable now when she cooks.


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