Getting a heat pump will save on energy costs and pay for itself in a matter of years

But he claims that the energy savings every month with a heat pump are beyond belief altogether

It’s hard trying to earn a living while affording housing, food, and medical expenses. Thankfully I have government subsidized health care now so my medications all cost $3 a piece. Before I got signed up my prescription expenses every month were over $100. For someone on a limited income, this was hard for me to stomach. I was living paycheck to paycheck every single month. With the limited cost of prescriptions, my stress dropped almost immediately. Now that I have a better job that actually values my employment and pays me a living wage. But many of my closest friends are still struggling to survive. Some of them are on government assistance like I am. For the ones who make too much money to qualify, they’re having to find creative solutions for saving money. I have a close friend who borrowed money from his parents to replace an old and efficient central air conditioner. He was swooned in by advertisements for heat pumps, which I’ll admit had me skeptical at first. The promise of having an air cooling system over three times as energy efficient as an air conditioner almost seemed too good to be true. But he claims that the energy savings every month with a heat pump are beyond belief altogether. The savings is so much that he will pay for the heat pump in just two years of use. From that point moving forward he’ll see money staying in his bank account that otherwise would have been depleted with his energy bill. If I have the money to buy a house someday, I will definitely invest in a heat pump over a traditional air conditioner.



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