My new air conditioner is whisper quiet while it runs

I hate hearing loud noises while I’m relaxing at home.

I used to live in an apartment complex near a huge housing development that was in construction for town years straight.

The noises reverberating through my windows at 7am everyday were brutal. You’d hear jackhammers, saws, power drills, and nail guns in a loud, cacophonous mess. At first I thought this would only go on for a matter of months, but it persisted for the three years I spent in that dreaded apartment. After that stress, I looked far and wide for a better home this time around. I think I found a great house to rent, at least I love it so far. Sure, I might be forced to mow a yard now, but I don’t mind at all. I love having the privacy of living in a house instead of being packed tightly into a dense building with people on the other sides of your walls, ceiling, and floor. This house also has new appliances throughout. It’s great having a clothes washer and dryer that don’t smell like mold for a change. I also love all of the features on the oven and microwave in the kitchen. The refrigerator is great as well, especially with its digital temperature control. But best of all, the air conditioner was replaced right before I signed my lease. I get clean indoor air with great air cooling performance. One thing that I love the most about this air conditioner is the fact that it is whisper quiet while it runs. The air conditioner in my old apartment was almost as disruptive to my sleep as the early morning construction work. Sometimes I was woken up at 2am to the air conditioner kicking on to cool the apartment.


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