Have to choose between a ductless HVAC or a window A/C

I genuinely need cooler air in my bedroom.

I actually share a home with multiple other roommates as well as I have no control over the temperature of my room in the slightest! My lack of control has nothing to do with my roommates, they’re very good people.

The main problem is that I’m at the mercy of the Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment we’ve been given as well as the management team of the apartment. To be honest, I’ve never seen a Heating as well as Air Conditioning expert service the Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment before, which is really why our utility bills are extremely high. I definitely need cooler air to sleep, so I’ve been debating between a window A/C component as well as a ductless mini split system. The ductless mini split certainly would be a larger investment as well as it would be more difficult to take with me. I’d have to hire someone to hook up the ductless HVAC as well as ventilate it officially. It’s easier to use than a window A/C component as well as makes far less noise, which is a big plus. The window A/C component would be a greater distraction as well as it’s less aesthetically pleasing, although I would be able to install it entirely on my own. Once affixed to the outlet as well as secured to the window, I could begin using it. I’m not really sure how long I plan on living in this apartment though, so the ductless mini split seems like it might be a waste… However, I don’t want to be up all night due to a really loud window A/C component either. I’m going to consider my multiple A/C options for a little longer.

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