Hotel has wireless access, but no climate control

My twin brother and I wanted to do something awesome for graduation, so we decided to take a trip to a southern country.

My parents were skeptical of our decision, but we were both 18.

Even if our parents tried to talk us out of the decision, we were going to go anyway. My brother and I read a lot of books about the country, and we even researched some of the best hotels, restaurants, and things to do. We had a full itinerary plan for the entire week, including a list of places that we really wanted to see. The first plane ride was really nice, because we were on a large jet. The two of us had aisle seats, and we were on a flight that was only 80% full. The second plane to our final destination was a small puddle jumper. My brother and I thought we would die, but we made it there in one piece. Our hotel was a mile away from the small airport, so we decided to walk. When we arrived to our hotel, my brother and I searched around the room for the climate control. My brother didn’t find anything in the main room, and there was no climate control in the bathroom either. That’s when we realized that neither one of us bothered to make sure that our hotel had A/C. It was the first time that I made hotel reservations, and I thought that climate control was a standard feature. Our hotel even had wireless access, but the only room with climate control was the dining area. At least they served a delicious breakfast buffet that was included with our room.

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