I finally got another furnace for my camper

I cannot believe how expensive camper and RV furnaces are.

It is outrageous.

I could almost buy a new furnace for my house for the price that a lot of camper furnaces run. I looked into getting a used camper furnace, and it was honestly not that much cheaper. I thought for sure that I would have to just sell my camper because I could not afford to buy a new furnace for it. It would not be a big deal if I did not camp during the cooler seasons of the year, but I do. The summer is the busiest time for me at work, so I can’t take time off of work to camp during the summer months. I usually take my camping trips at the end of September or the beginning of October. It is pretty chilly around here during that time of year, so I need to have heat in my camper in order to enjoy my camping experience. I had been using a propane space heater for the last couple of years, but that was getting pretty old. A buddy of mine offered me an old camper furnace that he had, and I readily accepted. I had to do some work, but I ended up making it work for my camper. It does use some propane, so I have to make sure that I have propane tanks filled still, but it doesn’t use it as quickly. I am so glad to finally have a furnace in my camper once again. It is so nice not to have to worry about how I am going to heat my camper.

heating business