I procrastinate my heating and a/c tune-ups

My husband has been on me for the last week about getting the tune-ups for our heating and air conditioning system. I will admit that I have a bit of a problem when it comes to procrastination. I always think I have more time than I really do to get the things I need to get done. It is actually fairly important that we get our air conditioning tune-ups this year. We are expected to have a hot summer, and the climate that we live in is already hot enough as it is. Last year, we had our air conditioner serviced in the spring before the heat really picked up, however, there were many people that didn’t get their air conditioners serviced by a cooling professional. I know this because when I went to schedule an appointment with a HVAC business for some future tune-ups, I was told that they had almost no availability due to the large number of people that had their air conditioners break down due to the heat. I guess the heat was really taking a toll on the older air conditioning units. I had planned out that it may go this way, and that is why I decided to have my own a/c serviced in the spring, and now I am glad I did. However, that was last year. This year I am behind and have put off the important tune-ups for far too long. Now when I try to get an HVAC technician out here, I have a long waiting period because all the cooling and heating providers are booked up for the next two weeks.



Cooling system