My friend hates the feel of the air conditioning

My pal Pat lives right on the coast, where he spends most of his time fishing.

He doesn’t even have a home, he lives in his RV which he parks near a dock for easy access to fish.

Whenever a major hurricane is set to target his area, he always asks to come and bunker down with me for a few days. I always love seeing Pat, and it seems that the threat of death via hurricane is the only thing that can get him to come for a visit. The craziest thing about PAt is how much he hates air conditioning. Have you ever met someone that doesn’t like using the A/C and just leaves the windows of their house open? Those people are weird, but Pat takes it to a whole new level. He legit hates air conditioning, and won’t go into places that have it running. When he comes to visit me, he still stays in his RV in the driveway and mostly hangs out in the fresh air of the back porch while I sleep inside in the A/C. I have to turn off the HVAC system completely, and open up all the windows of the house, before he will come inside. It makes no sense to me, this man has no problem going to the bathroom on the ground, but refuses to breathe in air conditioning. That said, every time he comes over to visit we have a blast and get wasted, and I usually turn off the air conditioning so he can come inside and hang out with me.

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