Making my dream come true

Ever since I was small, I have been crazy intrigued by robots and remote controls. In fact, when I was 10, I took apart an RC car in addition to souped it up to make it even faster. My parents were particularly surprised by my handy skills, especially since neither one of them are into this type of activity. My parents sent me to a special school to learn about science, math, and calculus. I also learned electronics and the skills to build a robot for the future. Now I’m in college working out of a lab, and it’s fantastic. All of my friends as well as myself are working on a new robot that is going to revolutionize the way we work in the kitchen. This robot is called the do it 5. My friends in addition to myself have been working on this project for 6 months. We keep all of our working parts in a special controlled climate. Since the robot is made of different pieces of metal, machinery, as well as Electronics, it has to stay in and environment where things cannot change at all. The heat, cool air., and the humidity area all under control by the college staff. This controlled environment is just one way that we make sure things are positively set. My friends in addition to myself are working on a robot that is going to change the world, and then we will be able to put our mark everything that we could. My dreams are coming true one day at a time.

Hybrid HVAC system