Eager for air conditioning from geo heat pump

Well Winter is over and the geothermal heat pump was incredible when it came to heating.

This is the first time my husband and I have ever enjoyed the radiant floor heating that comes with a geothermal heat pump.

And we were so not disappointed. It’s hard to describe radiant floor heating without the words glorious and wonderful. I was amazed the first time we turned on the heat. This was our first reassurance that we’d made the right call going with the geo heat pump. The geothermal heat pump was what we chose when we had to replace the old heat pump. After doing plenty of research and lots of help from our HVAC contractor, we decided to go all in on this HVAC technology. For sure, this would add incredible value to our home if we decided to sell it once we retire. And if not, this could well be the last time we ever need to replace the HVAC equipment. The average longevity of a geo heat pump is close to 40 years. Either way, we’re going to be paying much, much less when it comes to heating and cooling our house. But heating isn’t really the issue where we live. As glad as we are that the radiant floor heating is indeed so special, we don’t need a great deal of heating. However, we do need a whole lot of air conditioning and that time of year is right around the corner. I’m eager to see just what the air conditioning is like with the new residential HVAC. But I’m even more excited to see how much we save when it comes to those cooling costs.