Sneaky relationship games

It’s always interesting to me how quickly things go downhill in modern relationships when people begin living together.

I feel like it’s relatively easy to get along as a couple if you don’t have to see each other day in and day out.

However, as soon as you are living under the same roof and negotiating every detail of your lives together things get a lot more complicated. It’s no wonder that couples who move in together are ten times more likely to break up than couples who stay in separate residences. This is something that I learned the hard way when my ex and I moved in together and immediately realized that we had opposite opinions about air temperature control. Whereas he enjoyed ice cold indoor air temperature I was a fan of warm, stagnant indoor air. I don’t enjoy having cold air blowing on my body or feeling drafts all the time. It wasn’t long before we were bickering about the thermostat settings on a daily basis. We found ourselves engaging in real fights over something so stupid as air quality control. That’s also when the thermostat sneaking began. Every time I turned my back it seemed like my boyfriend was standing at the thermostat, betraying me with his air temperature modifications. I couldn’t close my eyes without adjustments being made to the indoor air quality control programming that we had agreed upon. I didn’t feel like I could trust him after so many instances of dishonest air quality control changes. To be fair, he felt the same way about my persistent temperature increases. In the end, we broke up because of our differing air quality control opinions.

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