Trouble finding the proper address

I’m bad with directions and I get lost easily. I have to use our telephone GPS all of the time; When I have tasks out in the country, occasionally it’s hard to get good service. Last Sunday afternoon, I was trying to find 1 of our buyers. The address came right up on the GPS, and it should have been simple to find, and unfortunately, the GPS took me down a dirt road. At the end of the dirt road, I should have been at the address. There were no houses in sight. My PC was flashing 5%, and I was nowhere near our endpoint. I couldn’t contact the client either. I contacted our boss at the Heating and A/C supplier and explained the issue! He tried to explain how to get to the address, however I couldn’t understand any of the directions. My PC kept tearing in and out every few hours. By the time I turned around and backed out of the dirt area, our PC was almost dead. I had to go to a gas station and find an actual map. Unfortunately, the address for our Heating and A/C client wasn’t listed anywhere on the paper map either. I contacted the Heating and A/C client 1 last time, and she finally answered the PC. She hastily explained that the address was incorrect. I was supposed to be searching for Fisher Alocale and not Fisher Lane. When I cooked the new address into the GPS, I found the house. Luckily, I was only 8 minutes away from our final endpoint. The client wasn’t aggravated that I was late, and they said lots of people have trouble finding the house.


a/c repairman