Do people easily enjoy camping?

When I was a kid, our parents used to pack us up every weekend plus we would go camping in the mountains.

  • I had more than three siblings that I had to share a tent with.

The outside consistently smelled of creatures plus urine. I couldn’t sit the way I had to share a damp smelly tent with 3 siblings plus a baby sibling. I swore I would never go camping again, once I was seasoned enough to stay by myself. Last month, our best neighbor asked me to go camping with her. I told his about the bugs, the lack of heating plus air conditioner, plus sleeping in a tent. I swore I would never go camping again once I turned sixteen. She said he understood, but he wished I would just think about it plus go camping with her. She gave me numerous weeks to decide if I wanted to go with her. I kept thinking about the lack of air conditioner plus heating. I thought about sleeping on the ground. I also thought about our neighbor plus how he had consistently been there for me. I told his I would go. If he had told me we were going to be in lodges that had indoor water plus bathrooms, heating plus air conditioner, plus beds instead of sleeping bags, I wouldn’t have taken so long to agree to go camping with our friend. My neighbor started laughing when he saw our face. She said he wanted to tell me about the accommodations, but he wanted me to go with his because I wanted to go. She didn’t want me to go because I knew about the lodge.

Heating device